Limo ROS2
The fun education platform for any robotics enthusiast.
The mobile education platform for every robot enthusiast.
Learn the fundamentals of robotics with the LIMO ROS2 platform. Equipped with an Intel NCU i7 processor running ROS2 (Humble) on Ubuntu 22.04, this platform provides the essentials for your autonomous research and education project.
LIMO's four-wheel differential steering mode allows it to traverse any terrain easily.
High performance sensors
Equipped with the EAI T-mini Pro LiDar and Orbbec Dabai depth camera, the LIMO is capable of precise mapping, autonomous localisation, navigation planning and dynamic obstacle avoidance.
Technical Data
- 10000 mAh battery capacity
- 1 m/s top speed
- 4.8 KG payload capacity
- Open Source Support (ROS, Gazebo)
See it in action
Optional Simulation Table available to develop and test your ideas quickly and in a fun environment.