Cobot Magic
Generate robot data for autonomy, for almost any use case.

Tele-Operation platform for robotic data generation.
- AGV Platform
- Two Master Arms, Two Follower Arms
Open development platform
- Data Generation by teach-and-repeat
- Development of learning algorithms
- Tele-Operation in Lab Environments
Built on AgileX's two-wheel differential AGV, the Tracer platform, the Cobot Magic is a iteration of the Zipeng Fu, Tony Z. Zhao and Chelsea Finn's Mobile Aloha from the Standford University (Publication). Imitation learning from human demonstration
The Cobot Magic is equipped with two finger grippers, with 6 degrees of freedom, a reach of 610 mm, payload of max 1.5 kg and a repeatability of +/-0.1 mm.
View Demonstration Video (Credit Zipeng Fu, Stanford University)